Friday, March 27, 2020

After Retirement

Before retiring from my secular job, I knew that I was going into full time ministry work. However, I noticed that my co-workers that considered themselves to be Christians, did not have a plan to work for God after they retired. Some of them wanted to visit family and some wanted to travel to see other places but not one of them ever mentioned that they wanted to spend more time working for God.

This really was strange to me and I began to wonder if most Christians think like that. Why would people that consider themselves to be Christians not have a plan to work for God? Let's face it... most people want to visit family or travel after they retire.

However, you would think that a Christian person would have a plan to do some kind of work for God. Our life is not over after we retire from a secular job. And as nice as visiting family and traveling sounds, there is something that is way more important and fulfilling to do with the rest of our life.

I will never forget what a friend of mine said to me on my last day at work. She said, now Ms. Kathleen, you will have more time to spend with Jesus! WOW! Those words through me. Why? I had a plan to start full time ministry. So why did that question surprise, shock, scare and sound like a wake up call to me.

Unfortunately, I have no idea. But after 9 years of retirement, I have not forgotten those words.

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After Retirement

Before retiring from my secular job, I knew that I was going into full time ministry work. However, I noticed that my co-workers that consi...